Monday, December 5, 2011

105 :: phoenix rain {rachel}

these are the first 105 words of my second book. this came to me in my sleep last night, and i could not get it out of my mind. this concept is one that i have been toying with for some time now; the narration for these first lines came to me in my dreams. i value your thoughts, opinions, or anything you wish to share.
{via pinterest}

My name is Phoenix Rain.
My name is Phoenix Rain.
My name is…Phoenix…

Every slash of the whip brought the recurring thought, the continual reminder. It was a mental chant, one that kept up a steady cadence, matching the pulsing throb of the blood that poured from her shredded shoulders  

It was the one thing she had left. Her clothing was torn, her body was captive, her wings were bound. All of her former self had been shredded and turned to ash.

Save for her name.

The name that pounded in her soul, the only tether that still bound her to the sky.

            Phoenix Rain. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

the novelist {rachel}

{via pinterest}

this was my final number on the 27th of November. somehow, by the power of God, i finished my NaNoWriMo novel.

well, i finished the word goal. the novel itself is still undone. i am anticipating a novel that may double in word count by the time the story completes.

and with a publisher already expressing interest in Cut Loose, i have my path laid out. December will still be busy, even though the writing month has come to an end.

but i've also come to another decision, one that crept to my lips at breakfast with my husband today. one that i had not voiced before.

i'm not going to wait until November 2012 to write another novel.

i'm starting again in January. no word counts or time crunches, no insane word sprints or nightmares of being pursued by passionate purple bars and line graphs.

i don't even know what i'm going to write about. but i've had ideas coming and going since the beginning of the month, ideas that i forced myself to push down and away while writing this current book.

NaNo may be over, but this blog is not even close to be concluded, and my writing adventures are continuing to grow.

so January will be a new start. not a resolution or a box to check off. it's a new thing, a freedom thing.

in Cut Loose, Niamh learned to cut her chains. 

in my life, NaNo helped me cut mine. 

my King and i, these words and i...we're looking forward.